30 Things To Do This Month To Boost Your Legal Career
Go through your LinkedIn connections and set up coffee or lunch with someone you have a useful connection with.
Unsubscribe from newsletters you are no longer interested in. Try UnRoll Me to unsubscribe from emails you don't want and roll the ones you are marginally interested in int a daily digest.
Email five people in your network that you haven't heard from in a while.
Update your website and social media bio.
Clean and organize work space.
Update your resume.
Refresh your LinkedIn profile. Check out this eBook from Law Firm Suites for inspiration.
Review your personal and business budget.
Plan a vacation.
Start a work journal.
Refine Your Elevator Speech.
Update your social media accounts.
Write a few blog post to schedule for later.
Respond to HARO queries.
Review your retainer agreement.
Reach out to an old client.
Send a customer service survey to your current clients.
Make a video for your website or social media.
Update your content calendar.
Send a thank you note.
Grade your website.
Answer some questions on Avvo.
Plan an e-course, workshop, or webinar.
Register for upcoming CLEs.
Read a book related that can improve your practice.
Create a free resource for website or blog visitors.
Get some new head shots.
Order new business cards.